Project X Summer Fellowship

Fellowship program empowering tomorrow's leaders in technology through mentorship and community engagement


Track Record


Mentors working at 50+ tech-based companies


Students from accredited Vietnamese and overseas universities.


Employment and career service partners


Internships matched

Timeline Summer Fellowship 2024

  1. February 25

    Workshop: Resume

  2. February 28

    Mentorship Program Kick-off: 1-1 mentorship, resume review, mock interview

  3. March 03

    Workshop: Behavioral & Technical Interview

  4. March 12

    Round 2 Application

  5. March 24

    Workshop: Story-telling in Job Search

  6. March 30

    Round 3 Application

  7. April 07

    Workshop: Workplace communication

  8. April 21

    Workshop: Successful in Internship 101

We are

Software Engineering
Data Science
Product & Project Management
UX/UI Design
Digital Marketing
Strategy & Operations
General Business
Growth Hacking

What our mentees are saying about Project X?


Tuan Anh

Summer Fellowship 2022 Mentees

My mentor was Hieu Vu, who gave me super helpful tips since we're both from HCMUS. Besides, interviewing for different companies in the second round of the fellowship forces me to step outside of my comfort zone, which was tough at first. However, I managed to improve my skills and train my mental ability when facing technical questions

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Hung Nguyen

Summer Fellowship 2022 Mentees

"The demonstration is the most interesting, and I've learned a lot about how technical interviews are conducted"

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Tram Le

Summer Fellowship 2022 Mentees

The speed dating session was super helpful! As a complete newbie to data science, I have learnt how to get started and what must-have skills and tools there are. I also learned a lot from anh Vuong Doan's story of how he got an internship in his first and second year- Who knows having experience as an insurance salesperson could be considered a plus when applying to an actuarial position?

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